Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mommy's addicted to Nintendo DS Lite!!!!

My brother bought a new Nintendo DS Lite and yes he loved it, He acted as if he was still 16 year old and can't get his hands and eyes off his new hand held gadget. Although he really wanted to buy a PSP.. He preferred to buy the DSlite because of certain features. Ok, But this post wasn't actually about my brother playing this. It was my mother. My mother loves games, especially those game applications that can be found in the typcial Nokia Cellphone. She is a busy mom, so her cellphone would be the only thing that would be handy to stay right by her side.

There was this one time that my brother left his DSLite and my mother was so curious that she asked my sister how to play the games. So yes she stared that day,and then the following day, and then the following days... In short she got hooked!!!!

One morning while my mother was so busy playing "the old Mario brothers" and that she didn't noticed the people around her, she has her own world, My sister asked her. "mum! do we have breakfast? there's nothing left on the table? " My mom just shooked her head.. My sister kept asking her. Mum?!! Hey, Mum?!! "My mom then replied" Oh! hold on a sec!"

Hold on a sec?! My sister was so freaking hungry, LOL! I was there, We can't help but laughed at her. Anyways, She cooked faster than the speeding bullet( kidding) and went back playing. Oh well...

Image courtesy of pop sugar, that's not our mum. She'll kill me if i'll post her picture playing.
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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hot creamy cocoa!

It's rainy season again in PI, so this one would be a hot choice!! try it it's so good!!!
yum! yum!! I tried it because i kind of felt down last few days. it's very nice, especially in uplifting your mood.

ok so here we go, go this from love it so I'm sharing it


* 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
* 3/4 cup white sugar
* 1 pinch salt
* 1/3 cup boiling water
* 3 1/2 cups milk
* 3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
* 1/2 cup half-and-half cream


1. Combine the cocoa, sugar and pinch of salt in a saucepan. Blend in the boiling water. Bring this mixture to an easy boil while you stir. Simmer and stir for about 2 minutes. Watch that it doesn't scorch. Stir in 3 1/2 cups of milk and heat until very hot, but do not boil! Remove from heat and add vanilla. Divide between 4 mugs. Add the cream to the mugs of cocoa to cool it to drinking temperature.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Funny Engrish!!

I just wanted to share some pictures from i was like laughing the whole time.. enjoy!

Creepy grass beware!

very nice instrument.

something buzzing with this pork "set"

oh!! you mean you like salad with soup!!!

I'm not going to buy here.........please don't ask why.

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Friday, August 7, 2009

Facebook, Twitter, Ezine.slowing down...... what's wrong?

I thought I'm the only one who noticed, but facebook is very slow in these past 2 days, and it's always hanging. Twitter is down as well, I was thinking that too many people are using it?!! I really don't know I'm not an IT person, but I have a feeling it's because of that,

Just like a boat, or a bus, or a plane, whenever it's overloaded with people, it won't work, or it will work but it is slow or will cause some problems. I really feel like these sites has been used and used every tiny second, and maybe the server just can't handle it anymore... Well, just my opinion. So I'll try not to use it these few more days, we never know maybe one or two people who doesn't use it might be helpful....... or not... i dunno.

Have a lesser twitter this weekend everyone!! and more outdoor games to play!!!

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Something for auto enthusiasts

Here's something that I found, and would like to share to all auto enthusiast, You know that most people would go out their houses if they want something for their vehicles, I found this site that I think might be helpful it is called diesel parts pro, they got lots of stuffs you need to turbo charge your cars and they got all the diesel parts you need, the site has a wonderful customer service, so it wouldn't be hard to ask.

They got a wide range of diesel parts for Audi, Jeep, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Dodge, Ford, GMC, Chevrolet and Volvo. So you don't need to go out first if your looking for diesel parts so go and check it out.

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My bulilit

Just a little something that i did, so cute

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wondering about getting host.

As a newbie in this blogging world, I actually have had so many questions in my head, well, i think most of it are not yet answered until now. I just started blogging last year, so i still considered my self as a newbie. As days, months have passed, I always thought of having my own domain name and have my site hosted. Of course, we all want to move to the next level of blogging. But I don't want to make mistakes in choosing a hosting plan.

Ive heard so many positive and negative reviews alike with many hosting companies. But how can i be sure that this one fits my blog. So i bumped in to this site called, I've heard sites like this before, but this one is something. It has everything that I need to know. from the best web hosting companies, to the different reviews, they even got web hosting awards. Awards such as best blog hosting, best forum hosting, best budget hosting, all the information you need can be found in this one wonderful site. The site also has a blog that is full of valuable information that can be helpful to everyone. This site has been running for years now. And already has a good and strong reputation.
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Monday, August 3, 2009

Long lost friend.....................found!

How are you going to react if you haven't seen a very very special friend for a long time and you found her all of a sudden.

Last Saturday, I went to see a friend of mine that I haven't seen for years. Actually I considered her as one of my best of friends. Although we had some misunderstanding in the past, I totally forgot about that, I don't know I just wanted to see her and all.

I wanted to cry the moment she held my arm when she arrived, but I tried to control myself, That was soooo hard for me! I asked her if we could take our lunch then, just for me to look away( although i am really hungry that time) , because I'm already teary-eyed. I tried, I promised myself not to cry in front of her because I don't want her to cry too. (i know her so well, she's going to cry i know)

And we just started catching up the years that was missed, and the Good old memories that can't be forgotten. I saw her once or twice 2 years back, but we never had any formal conversations. I just thought that maybe it wasn't the time yet. And when that day came, it was all worth it, I really wanted to go on to details, but I'll probably keep it to myself. I just wanted everyone to know that it was an amazing day.

Oh and by the way, we started talking non-stop around 12:45 pm and we only pause for a break at 3:25pm. We need some air to breathe you know.

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Most of us probably have used rapidshare to download files, music, ebook etc. ANd sometimes we need to really search the whole internet to get to see the files that we needed, SO much time and effort has been wasted searching and searching. but what if you have a special search engines that can
Search Rapidshare Files in a breeze. This site is called you just need to type in or key in every rapidshare files that you needed in the search box and in just minutes you got it all in front of you. How cool is that. Moreover, for the last month the number of users increased significantly. Users more and more often give preference to this resource, it means, they have found here exactly what they are looking for in a good rapidshare search engine. Why don't you check it out now. And enjoy.

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