Yesterday was my birthday, But it wasn't such a big deal. Well, I want it to be a big deal, but i just felt like this wasn't the right time to really celebrate. At this point my country has been hit by a typhoon that is 30-day worth of rain in just one day. So in the end it was a flash flood.
This was actually the first time in my entire life that I saw the Major cities in our country was under water. I mean literally under water. Just today I went out with my daughter to go to the bank to pay some bills. I was very shocked! There was this part in our place that belong in the low-lying areas. And yes it was really shocking to see the many houses, establishments and even malls were greatly affected. It seems like I'm in a movie were I woke up and I'm in a ghost town. Many shops were all covered with mud and all the items were all wet and soaked in mud.
The motorcycles in the Motorcycle store were all covered with mud. And all of the staffs and employees were helping dry up and clean all the motorcycles. I felt bad whenever I saw people begging for money on the streets, asking for almost anything. There was this guy who seemed to have lost his family so i felt really bad so I gave some money. My daughter asked me why, and I just said" were helping them sweetie" And when we got home. I felt like Giving something to those people who are in need is such a feel-good experience for me. So yeah, birthday is fine!
image courtesy of theglobeandmail.com