My sister had finally brought her boyfriend in our house.(Meet the parents!(wahoo) Everybody was so excited. Except my dad of course. I remembered the day when my husband first came into our house.(sigh)
Her boyfriend came with a box of cake(nice one!) although my dad wasn't home yet. I can sense his uneasiness and his eagerness all rolled into one very nice looking young man. (oh, i bet I'm going to have another cake.) He's wearing a tucked in, rolled, long sleeves, well-tailored pants and shiny shoes. Most guys nowadays won't even bother to wear presentable clothes when meeting the parents of their girlfriends. It may sound too formal, but it's ok it's Sunday.
And so while waiting for my parents, we had fun by singing with a videoke microphone ( it's a wireless microphone plugged into your TV so you could start singing like in a karaoke bar. We had a some sort of a singing competition (duets) . So the groups are : me and my husband (yay!) My brother and her girlfriend (Jay and J.I.). And my sister and her boyfriend (Mya and Chris). The competition was so tight! The air conditioner was no use at all. All the scores we had were the same(100). Until after few songs when Jay and jerese got 97 and sis and chris got 99 . Woohooh!
And the winner is..(drum roll).no need to say it. hahaha! "Until next time my bro and sis and to your partners" (yaya you're such a looser!) hahaha just kiddin'(i hope our youngest will be there next time) Oh well, What's important is we had a great time. And i really had a great time. and then my parents came home,He met my mom (who was just all smiles and so supportive and happy) And then came my dad....(scary. hahaha!)
So Cris and my dad finally started talking. (it seems like a job interview too me) and he passed!! hahaha!) I'm happy for my sister. Having a father like ours is really tough but not to mention his funny too. Yikes! it's time for work. gotta go! till next time.
Here's my beautiful sis and chris